The FNSSP program provides services to assist First Nation Educators to plan and make improvements in the three priority areas of literacy, numeracy and student retention.
FNSSP has three components:
School Success Plans: To assist First Nation schools in developing school success plans which set out the school's goals, activities and targets for improving student achievement levels within the areas of literacy, numeracy and student retention;
Student Learning Assessments: To take part in student learning assessments are used to identify areas for improvement within the schools. Assessment results are used to identify areas to be targeted for improvement. FNSSP supports First Nation schools in selecting and implementing student achievement testing tools; and
Performance Measurement: To support the partnering First Nation school's in a data management system to monitor their student's academic progress, school administration and report delivery to respective partners.
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council (NNEC) delivers all three components of the program in its secondary schools and develops tools to be used in First Nation schools at the secondary level.
K-Net Services delivers the Performance Measurement component of FNSSP to First Nation schools. Provides funding to First Nation Partners to hire, train and support locally hired people to work as their data management administrators. The Data Administrators contact Jesse Fiddler, Data Manager, for any technical support with their servers and Dadavan Outcomes Systems.
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Student Support Services (KOSSS) provide student retention services to their secondary school students.
Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS) delivers online secondary school services.
Weenusk First Nation and Mattagami First Nation deliver the program in their respective schools.